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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Happy Losar Post

Somewhere I got a news about  my Stipend. I was told that RCSC has finally disbursed my stipend from a money apparently borrowed from elsewhere. Its a meager amount and I am yet to get to get it anyway. (I remember writing it somewhere already, please bear with me) Practically speaking, even Buddha will have difficulty surviving on my stipend in this age. So who ever has designed this stipend, I think had lot of Buddha nature in him. May Buddha bless him. 

Anyways, Thanks to my dearest wife, I am rescued from being declared as bankrupt here in Gujarat. Now I can finally think about my Losar shopping. I can fancy having a chicken curry along with fish soup. I can even think about calling off my classes. I wont mind getting drunk too. Flat and out! I want to sing aloud and eat full. I want to jump in the air and relax, both heart and soul. I want to celebrate life like I have never done before. I want to wish every one a Big Losar Tashi Delek.

By the way, I am reproducing a very beautiful happy losar greetings written by an unknown person Pema Gyamtsho. Like him, I would also like to wish all my friends both near and afar, a very happy and prosperous happy snake year. May this year mark the beginning of all the good things in this world. Let there be more Peace and less pollution.   


  1. Happy Losar to you too la. Have fun. By the way, the prayer was by Pema Gyamtsho. I think you know him. May the year ahead be a good one and peaceful!:)

  2. happy losar la sir!
    And all the bloggers too...

  3. Losar Trashey Dellek Ajola!
