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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Losar Resolutions and Others

My bank balance as on 04.02.2013
Of late, I am  little down financially. At one point of time I just had money that would buy me single meal in Ahmadabad. Forget about the Jaipur trip, I even thought of postponing my losar celebrations. Away and alone, I was at my lowest point. But Thanks to my dearest wife. She was there to enliven my life. She always did and I remain ever more grateful to her. I now understood the reason why god created women from man's ribs; to protect man's fragile heart that go lonely and down easily.

Now the Losar is over, I feel happy at the fact that I was able to have humble dinner with my friends. We had beef, chicken, pork and fish in our menu. Ohh yea, we also had basmati rice and dhai slald too. I opted to prepare fish curry. But somehow I ended up getting a fish soup in place of fish curry. Its not my fault, its the defective cooker we have.. ha ha ha!!  All in all, I had a wonderful time with my friends. After I got back from the dinner, I posted my Losar resolutions. I will try my best not to break them soon.
  • 1. Bye bye to Oily foods and Junk foods
  • 2. Bye bye to ice creams and Fizzy drinks
  • 3. welcome to physical exercises every morning
  • 4. welcome to 5 min meditation every evening before going to bed
Few days ago, I met one of my friend online. We had lot to discuss. But I was so preoccupied being broke, that I told him that 'I am broke', because RCSC still did not send me my stipend, because RCSC is broke too. Of course there was no humor in it but we both laughed. With that short laughter "ha ha" I felt a momentarily upliftment serge through my veins. Although broke, I told him that I am still healthy, handsome and strong. This is based on the popular Indian saying that Indian water can suffice food. More laughter ensued. "ha ha ha ha".  May be RCSC thought that this is the case for people studying in India (Gujarat) that they can survive on water!!! And more interestingly, when they had money they and manpower shortage. But its a different story altogether. 

In a mean time, I am now getting engrossed with my research work. Obviously I am a big zero in this field. Like it or not, I will soon have to submit a research project of at least 100 pages to my University for the award of Masers degree in Economics. Strangely there aren't many unrehearsed topics here, because thousand people like me write such research papers every year. You see, that is why I call my University as the Oxford of Gujarat.  

For now I am done with my proposal. Mind you, I took entire day just to write a brief introduction.  I am planning to write something on Foreign Direct Investment in India. If you guys have any idea, please feel free to share your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Your line, "I will try my best not to break them soon" says that you have made Losar resolutions while you are not in a very good condition. Haha. Anyways good luck and happy losar, though belated.
