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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We are Bloggers

On 23 Sept, few fellow bloggers have initiated a blogger's meet in Thimphu. I got the invitation a week before. So thank you Passa, Sogyel, Nawang and Riku. You can read more about it on Passu's blog @

I remember attending one such meeting in 2011. Back then I met not only senior bloggers like Mr. Dorji Wangchuk, Mr, Jurmi Chowing, Mr, Tshering Tashi, Mr. Tashi Pelyang, Ms. Sonam Peldon, Ms. Manju Whakley but I also had the opportunity of meeting many budding Bhutanese bloggers too. I still remember the lively conversation and a sumptuous dinner we had at Aue Dorji Wangcguk's residence. 

And when I was invited this time, I felt excited. I have read them enough on blogs and I was so eager to meet them in person. I asked Passa about how many are coming, but he told me "number is a part of surprise package"

So after my office, I rushed home, got the permission from my daughters and then drove straight to Thimphu. I reached a place called "Harmony Village" where I met my fellow bloggers. Of course the the number was a big surprise. I expected to see more than 20 and there I saw only 8 of them. But that did not not matter. We had our own share of fun!  

We drank, we ate and we laughed. Some in between even had to go to pee because there was a lot of laughter and a drink on the table. We talked about blogging, poetry and writing. We talked about politics, Prime Ministers and MPs. And the most important of all, even in our drunken mood, we all talked about our love, loyalty and dedication to our Country, King and our fellow people. That was the most touching part. Rest of the crazy bloggers will never know the kind of fun they all missed. 

Let me narrate few lines about each bloggers:
Mr. Tshering C Dorji
Aue Tshering blogs at That evening he told us about how he drove all the way from P/Ling to Thimphu. He has two books to his credit. But except the travels he made, he said he never made money from writing. He also talked about his much talked-about work "Truck parking girl" a bit. I am dying to read that!!. The other thing he talked to us was about being careful with copy right laws.

Later, when one photographer told him to open his eyes, he said he has no bigger eyes to open than this. And he made us all laugh when he couldn't recognize his own phone ringing in his hemchu and instead said that 'someone's phone is ringing like hell'. More laughter ensued when he said the phone belonged to his nephew and that actual caller was his girl friend..

Miss Dema
Youngest among us that night. Dema blogs at She is girl of less word. May be she was not drunk like us. Form my brief conversation with her, I came to know that she is Cheche of her parents. 

Mr. Kuenzang Thinley
This is me and I blog at Please read my 'own unwritten lines' and leave me your valuable comments and feedback. Like any one, I am an ordinary man with ordinary feelings. I am subject to human flaws and I make mistakes too. Please forgive me. and If you haven't joined my blog, please do it now. Be one among those group of wonderful people. 

Mrs. Rima
She is from Singapore with Indonesian origin. But she appeared Bhutanese in every sapect. She is Rima and she blogs at Even in my drunken mood, I couldn't believe when she said she is a mother of a son who is eleven years old. And like me, my friend Passu was equally curious to know about her secret. (of being able to remain like high school girl still) 

Mr. Passu 
This not a caricature and I did not do any photoshop. This is real Passu and he blogs at Back in 2000, we departed as a high school boys, but that evening two of us met once again after 13 years as full fledged fathers. You know. sometimes Bhutan is this big also.

We wanted to talk about his letter to Singaporean Minister Ban Khaw, but he wanted to talk more about his poetry that gagged many writers. I like the way his poem begins: "Shut up Grandma, your stories are all lies". 
Mr. Sogyel
He is an architect now. But before he joined the profession, he used to blog spontaneously at His blog description read something like this; "and there is more to life" but since the the day he started his profession as an architect, there was always less to his blog.   

With that meeting, I am hopeful that Sogyel will give due consideration to his blog. I told him that, many readers would like to see more in his blog in coming days. 

Mr. Nawang P.
Mr. Nagang blogs at His blog description reads; "for the pen is mightier than sword". true to his description, I think he is one of the most consistent blogger among us. I would encourage him to keep up the spirit going. 

By the way he is the author of a book called "Then I saw her face". I read the book and I liked it so much. Its a collection of short stories that will keep you engrossed. So please visit DSB and grab your copy, its just Nu 75. You will not regret about your acquisition. I promise.

Mr. JJ
Like Ms Rima, I met Mr. JJ for the first time. I came to know that he blogs at But what is more interesting about Mr. JJ is that he is a Politician in Singapore. I am not sure whether I heard him correctly or not but somewhere I heard that in Singapore the Opposition party has only 7 MPs. He said he is one of them. 

I told him that Politics is dirty everywhere. and he acknowledged that. But I feel happy for being able to meet a person of his status at such an informal meeting. Before we closed our meeting, he told us that there are lot of things which Singapore can learn from Bhutan.
Mr. Riku
The most ardent reader and blogger, Mr. Riku Dhan Subba blogs at We met for the second time. He is one Bhutanese blogger whose update I never miss. His writings will make you feel romantic and at times emotional. And his photographs will even make u feel better. 

So please visit his blog. Visit all our blogs..


  1. Nice review on the bloggers, including mine Hahaha.... There is no secret of Youth la, just like that. But I love when you wrote I appeared like Bhutanese in every aspects, especially with my tanned skin after traveling there, no one thought I was a chilip or Japanese anymore lolx!!!

    1. HI Rima, I am happy that you liked my lines.....I actually wanted to write more but I was feeling sleepy after a tiring day I kept it brief......I will definitely write more If i get a chance to come to Singapore.....

      Have a nice time.


  2. And you forgot to give credit to the photographer of these pictures here...:P

    1. by the way, who took these pictures....??? I think he/she got the real colours of all of us.... Thank you dear photographer...

    2. its me tey sirji...:P

    3. ok.. now i remember why Passu said you can be a professional photographer of drunk people...good good wai....

  3. Thank u sir....nice one... Actually I m really talkative... since we all met for the first time I was out of words... U know my apa n my friends sometime beg me to stop talking....hehe :)

  4. Very well reviewed. But remember I am not responsible for the words I have said after I started drinking ha ha ha and Yes, that picture is not a caricature it's real me but it's usually hard to tell the difference.
    You didn't seem to have drunk much because you remember a lot from the night ha ahha

    1. Pasu, Yea, There is a saying in Bhutanese, "Chang Thung Drenpa sem lu yoe" I think that wisdom still hold true with me..... as of you I saw u getting little dizzy...but man you did not say anything nasty....All I saw was fun after fun.....joke after joke.....I really throughly man

      all the best.

  5. wonderful moment with wonderful people. Missed it. Great that you all had a great evening worth cherishing.

    1. Leo,
      Make your self available next time.....come with with your adventurous tales......

  6. Thank you PSN for this one! Enjoyed going through your descriptions of us. And as for the evening it was no doubt the best evening ever! Thank you for coming all the way from Paro and adding extra flavour to the evening. Hope to see you again.

    1. that meeting would not have happened with the effort from 4 of u.. four of u deserve a medal next time....

      till then have a nice time

  7. Hi Mr. Kunzang, nice profiles of all the bloggers. Thank you so much for the decorated lines that you gave to all of us. But above all, I liked ur apples so much. Very delicious, haha. Keep blogging and inspiring us. I would love to read more from you la.

  8. Oh Riku, I thought we all forgot about the apples......I know they all tasted great...arange another meeting and i will come with more apples.....ha ha ha

    you have a nice day


  9. I can only say, "Uh, I missed it!"

    Next time, be assured we will be there (Lolo included).

  10. Kunzang Sir, your blog didn't appear on my following bloggers list, though I am one of the fist followers of your blog. Now I followed you again and happy that your blog appears. Keep writing la and have a good time out there in Paro.
