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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Transfer Time!

After eight long years in Paro, I am finally planning my maiden transfer to a Place other than Paro. In eight years of my service, I had the opportunity of serving my office to the best of my ability. It was pleasure working in, what many people say a "sensitive place". In terms of work knowledge, I have profited immensely under various Regional Directors. I had the pleasure of working with some of the most dedicated and resourceful officers and inspectors alike. Some day I would like to write a separate post on this. 

But for now, let me write as to why I have to move from this beautiful place. I have both official and personal reasons. Le me keep my personal inconveniences aside.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thanks to Typhoon Phailin

Thanks to typhoon Phailin in Odhisa, it was rain for three consecutive days in Paro. Downpour was ferocious; lot bigger than the ones we normally get to see in monsoon. The cold wave was bitter. It engulfed the entire valley in no time and sent many people rushing for jackets and heaters!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Longchen Thongdrel Consecrated

Final Thongdrol of Longchenapa
His eminence the Namkhai Nyingpo Rimpoche consecrated the Thongdorl of Kuenkhen Longchen on 12th Oct 2013 inThimphu. The Thongdrol worth more than million Nu was built by the people of Shingkhar village along with the support of other Longchen devotees across the country. My cousin monk who took active part in the process told me that it is to purely to bring harmony and happiness not only in Shingkhar, but also in Bhutan and world at large. Thongdrol will be soon taken to Shingkhar and will be unfurled once in a year coinciding with the annual Shingkhar Rabney.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Royal Wedding Anniversary Post

I would like to join my fellow country men and women in wishing our beloved King and Queen, yet another happy royal wedding anniversary. May their unison last till eternity and may they continue to be the guardian of our peace and happiness for eons. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bonfire with Heated Arra

Usually I am a sober person and I normally do not drink much. But today I am happy and I am little drunk as well. I don't know the exact reason myself. However I would like to admit that we have a very important guest (VIP). I am told that our Finance Minister has specifically ordered to arrange a dinner honoring the Secretary general (SG) of WCO and the Head of ROCB for Asia Pacific Region who are here on a good will visit.

By the way, WCO means, World Customs Organization and ROCB means Regional Office for Capacity Building (for customs)

I am writing this post, drunk, but touched altogether. I feel wordless to thank the Secretary General, WCO and the Head of ROCB AP for visiting our country. I am deeply moved by the kind of affection WCO have for Bhutan Customs administration.  Even in my drunken  mood, I am hopeful that such affection, care and gesture will go a long way in furthering the capacity of our administration. Thank you WCO and Thank you ROCB AP.