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Monday, November 4, 2013

Plight of Building Wall in Punakha. Part One

Our House in Punakha
As I said in my earlier post, I had the most busiest weeks of my life in my recent past. I found my self engaged hundred percent; both officially and personally. I told my wife about how much rest I deserve (after my masters course in Economics) but the irony is that I found myself engaged even on the weekends.

Travelling to Punakha ate up lions share of my weekends and so was calling to the same place. It ate up lions share of my pocket money! This is because the torrential rain in Punakha was threatening to erode down our house. The only answer to the chaos was a good  and stable retention wall.

While me and my wife worked tirelessly and endlessly to bring the wall into glory, our equally affected neighbors seem to have an issue with the wall. Many a times I felt wordless at their points of objection. Of the many neighbors, two of them became more alarmed. Forget about offering tea to a neighbor who have come home from a long distance, they wouldn't even look at us properly. With passing day, I saw them becoming verbal and hostile to our workers.

At one point of time, two of them complained to the Dzongkhag Engineer. They in fact succeeded in halting the progress of the work. I do not know what reason they gave to the engineer but he also consented to my neighbors arbitrary plea. This came as a shocking news for me. The cost escalation was unimaginable.

Then came another news from our head misteri. He told me another funny but rather enraging news. Now our two unhappy neighbors have put up a written complain to the Gup's office. It was such a distressful news that without even bothering to look at the basis of the complain, he too acted swiftly like a falcon. That is because he like the Dzongkhag engineer also gave his verbal order to with held the progress of our construction.

The fact of the matter was, we were constructing a wall in our own registered land to protect our own precious property and there we had many unhappy souls.Through that wall, our intention was to bring peace to the entire community, but sadly those two fellas took the purpose of our wall otherwise.

With cost escalating daily, I thought to my self that something needs to be done urgently. Hence I decided this;..........................

To be continued ...........................


  1. Sorry to hear that sir. But I hope that one day your neighbours will realize what they have done to you. :-)

  2. Hope things will work well. All the best sir.
