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Sunday, November 3, 2013

November is Here

First up, I would like to wish our beloved king a very happy coronation day. May his Majesty live long and continue to guide us and bless us. Secondly, I feel sorry for not being able to tend my blog for so many days. Believe me, each day I look at my blog, it broke my heart.. It pained my heart to see my blog become like a haunted house.

Thirdly, we are nearing to end the year. Its November already and I am frantically getting busy, both at home and in my office. More over I am on a transfer list. This means I have a job in my hand to clear pending papers on my table. I have a job in hand to collect millions from tax payers. But unfortunately, occasional telephone calls and a letters in between are hampering the progress. 

Fourthly, I am told that my transfer may not come through. This is not a good news. I am young and I have a long career path ahead. Therefore besides Paro airport, I want to work in different place and in different offices. I want to work with different people and want to further my learning curve. I want to become more productive and gain more experience. I want to explore my potential beyond taxing and checking bags and boxes. I want to see what more I can do for my country. 

I don't know how far its true, but I am told that our exchequer does't have enough money to give away as transfer grants. This is a worrying affair. If this is a genuine case, all civil servants on transfer list should think twice. If its of national concern, we all should aid our Government in the implementation of their austerity measures. But such measures should be implemented fairly and squarely in all the Ministries and departments among all officials. If possible, it should be implemented in all sections of the society.

For now all I can do is wait and see. If my transfer comes through to the place I opted,  and if it is going to bring any relief to the state exchequer, I am even willing to forgo those grants. 

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