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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reflection and Contemplation Day

Today is 21/12/2013 and I take it as a very special day of my life. This is because one year ago, for no apparent reason, I decided to make 21st December(s) as my reflection and contemplation day. I remember writing a post that day. I think wrote a post thanking few beautiful people including my Kings. I also remember making a wow to write about some more people who have played a role in making my life beautiful, meaningful and memorable.

Friday, December 20, 2013

FIFA World Cup Trophy arrives in Bhutan

Bhutanese Officials receiving the FIFA World Cup Trophy.

 20/12/2013 will be a very memorable day, not only for football fans but also for those people who have come all the way around the red aircraft (as shown in the picture).
Look at the picture above!. Almost all the people working in Paro airport are out to have a glimpse of the most coveted sports trophy landing in Bhutan.  I am surprised because some of the biggest Rimpoches' and lamas' did not have that many people to receive them! 

FIFA Trophy
Although there was no display of the trophy, the overwhelming crowd refused to leave the craft side. To some of my friends, I had to tell them that the trophy is hidden in three identical boxes and its safely locked and cleared already by the security officials. But most of them wouldn't listen.

As a Customs official, I had the privilege of inspecting the boxes from outside. They all look so good and secured. I didn't  know which box contained the gold cup. Along with me was my other colleague doing the inspection. And both of us made sure that we at least touched the boxes. Later, while we were inspecting the podium and other shipments, I told him to touch them as well and we both laughed.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

106th National Day post

In celebrating our national day on 17/12/2012, (i.e one year ago) I posted our national anthem and the picture of our beloved Kings on my blog. It was our 105th national day then. Now that its 17/12/2013, we are celebrating 106 years of progress and happiness one more time. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Some Similarities Between the Korean and Bhutanese Architecture

I took the pictures below in Suwon, another city in South Korea south of Seoul city. All the pictures are in the vicinity of King Jungjio's palace. By the way King Jungjio was the 22nd King of the Joseon Dynasty. The guide told me that King has been the most powerful and popular king of all time. However he lived a troubled personal life because of his political rivals. Surprisingly, the rival was his own grandmother, who was just 16 yrs old that time. The place is full of history.   

Most of the structures, I was told were rebuilt after being destroyed. Once in Korean war one by the invading forces of Japan. It is now UNESCO heritage site. 

Nelson Mandela and Korean Beauty

Nelson Mandela
Yesterday, the hot news in the main stream media was the death of a man who, I believe, lived his life in service to the humanity. Former President of South Africa, Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla "Madiba" Mandela, was a known freedom fighter. The way he rose from his humble background to fight against the discriminatory policies based on the skin colour of his countrymen is all the more admirable. Many leaders around the world think that his death is a great loss to this entire humanity. Therefore, he will be missed dearly everywhere. And on this sad occasion, I would like to join the world community in remembering and paying respect to this great soul. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

And here is another thing I would like to write:

When I was planning my travel to South Korea, besides the low temperature and importance of having warm cloths, there was another thing that my friends talked to me; -Beautiful South Korean People. Yes, I was told that I would have the opportunity to feel like the ugliest person on the planet. I think they must have meant beauty externally. But I took it otherwise. I have known South Korean people to be not only beautiful form outside, but from inside too. Perhaps that is why I presume many youngsters in Bhutan are trying to copy the looks of Korean people. 

But when I actually reached Seoul, I came to know from a guide as to how much Korean people care to look beautiful Externally! He told me that to compete in a job, the first thing one need is to look beautiful. He calls it as a first impression. Now it seems that there is a competition among Korean youngsters not only for jobs, but also in their looks. By looking at the numbers of plastic surgery clinic around, it says it all.

Anyways, plastic surgery or rubber surgery, its up to every individuals to decide. Go for it if you have the means. In Korea, I was told that it would cost USD 5500/- to just to lower the nose by an inch.

But for me, three night stay was enough for me to fall in love with that beautiful country. Seoul, the capital city is wonderful. Everything is so so beautiful there, The streets are beautiful. Food is beautiful and yummy (although little expensive) cars are beautiful (and unlike Gujarat,cars never honk) and so are girls and ladies, Kids are beautiful andeven men are looking beautiful too. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Update From Seoul, South Korea

I went to Seoul, South Korea representing Bhutan Customs administration to I attended a seminar on "Fight Against Cross-Border Crimes in Asia Pacific region". As a panelist, I also gave a short presentation on Tobacco free policies and administrative outcomes in Bhutan. I think the presentation went well. I spoke little bit on our recent Tobacco control law. I tried my best to convince the floor as to why Bhutan Government is justified in passing a 'harsh' and 'unmerited' law.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

Plight of Building Wall in Punakha. Part One

Our House in Punakha
As I said in my earlier post, I had the most busiest weeks of my life in my recent past. I found my self engaged hundred percent; both officially and personally. I told my wife about how much rest I deserve (after my masters course in Economics) but the irony is that I found myself engaged even on the weekends.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November is Here

First up, I would like to wish our beloved king a very happy coronation day. May his Majesty live long and continue to guide us and bless us. Secondly, I feel sorry for not being able to tend my blog for so many days. Believe me, each day I look at my blog, it broke my heart.. It pained my heart to see my blog become like a haunted house.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Transfer Time!

After eight long years in Paro, I am finally planning my maiden transfer to a Place other than Paro. In eight years of my service, I had the opportunity of serving my office to the best of my ability. It was pleasure working in, what many people say a "sensitive place". In terms of work knowledge, I have profited immensely under various Regional Directors. I had the pleasure of working with some of the most dedicated and resourceful officers and inspectors alike. Some day I would like to write a separate post on this. 

But for now, let me write as to why I have to move from this beautiful place. I have both official and personal reasons. Le me keep my personal inconveniences aside.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thanks to Typhoon Phailin

Thanks to typhoon Phailin in Odhisa, it was rain for three consecutive days in Paro. Downpour was ferocious; lot bigger than the ones we normally get to see in monsoon. The cold wave was bitter. It engulfed the entire valley in no time and sent many people rushing for jackets and heaters!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Longchen Thongdrel Consecrated

Final Thongdrol of Longchenapa
His eminence the Namkhai Nyingpo Rimpoche consecrated the Thongdorl of Kuenkhen Longchen on 12th Oct 2013 inThimphu. The Thongdrol worth more than million Nu was built by the people of Shingkhar village along with the support of other Longchen devotees across the country. My cousin monk who took active part in the process told me that it is to purely to bring harmony and happiness not only in Shingkhar, but also in Bhutan and world at large. Thongdrol will be soon taken to Shingkhar and will be unfurled once in a year coinciding with the annual Shingkhar Rabney.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Royal Wedding Anniversary Post

I would like to join my fellow country men and women in wishing our beloved King and Queen, yet another happy royal wedding anniversary. May their unison last till eternity and may they continue to be the guardian of our peace and happiness for eons. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bonfire with Heated Arra

Usually I am a sober person and I normally do not drink much. But today I am happy and I am little drunk as well. I don't know the exact reason myself. However I would like to admit that we have a very important guest (VIP). I am told that our Finance Minister has specifically ordered to arrange a dinner honoring the Secretary general (SG) of WCO and the Head of ROCB for Asia Pacific Region who are here on a good will visit.

By the way, WCO means, World Customs Organization and ROCB means Regional Office for Capacity Building (for customs)

I am writing this post, drunk, but touched altogether. I feel wordless to thank the Secretary General, WCO and the Head of ROCB AP for visiting our country. I am deeply moved by the kind of affection WCO have for Bhutan Customs administration.  Even in my drunken  mood, I am hopeful that such affection, care and gesture will go a long way in furthering the capacity of our administration. Thank you WCO and Thank you ROCB AP.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We are Bloggers

On 23 Sept, few fellow bloggers have initiated a blogger's meet in Thimphu. I got the invitation a week before. So thank you Passa, Sogyel, Nawang and Riku. You can read more about it on Passu's blog @

I remember attending one such meeting in 2011. Back then I met not only senior bloggers like Mr. Dorji Wangchuk, Mr, Jurmi Chowing, Mr, Tshering Tashi, Mr. Tashi Pelyang, Ms. Sonam Peldon, Ms. Manju Whakley but I also had the opportunity of meeting many budding Bhutanese bloggers too. I still remember the lively conversation and a sumptuous dinner we had at Aue Dorji Wangcguk's residence. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Training Experience I Shared during the Closing Ceremony

Honorable Director, respected expert mission from RILO AP, respected commissioners, seniors and my dear colleagues. Today I, on behalf of my trainee friends and on my own behalf, stand here to briefly share our experiences about capacity building program mentioned under.

Office of the RILO AP and DRC has initiated a capacity building program for Bhutanese Customs Officials. Three day workshop on “Intelligence Analysis & Risk Management using the CEN Database” was conducted by Dr. Gryphon Sou, Mr. Wang Liang and Ms. Sung Im Lee from RILO AP. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ketamine from Bhutan to Thailand

Disclaimer: I am a Customs Officer. But please be informed that views expressed here are my own and in no way represents the views of my office.

Image courtesy:
Few days ago, we all saw the news of a Bhutanese woman being nabbed for running an errand in Thailand go viral. Every soul now knows that she was involved in smuggling of a dangerous psychotropic substance called Ketamine worth Bt.15 million in Bangkok airport. It is very unfortunate case!. 

As a Customs Officer who work in Paro airport, I am hurt by Miss Zhimo's reckless act. The news of her arrest brought us not only shame but also pain in equal proportion. We were blamed at and ridiculed. She made our office look like a total failure. She disappointed not only Bhutanese and the Thais, but also those donor agencies who have, so far helped us in capacity building.

Bhutanese Bloggers e-Conference

Thank you Rekha for initiating this e-conference. Thank you Passu and Nawang P for sharing the news. I am delighted to be part of this wonderful group. But fortunately or unfortunately, I am so so caught up with works both at home and in office. So I am little late in writing this post.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Norbu, Our Guest

Few weeks ago, a lone male cat, totally beaten and exhausted by hunger and cold showed up to my residence. Before I could even utter a word, my three animal loving daughters have not only welcomed him to our house, but have also claimed the ownership over it. They were swift to name him too. They named him Norbu!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Random Pictures from Lamperi Botanical Park

As suggested by my fellow blogger Passu, today I was able to make a brief visit to Royal Botanical Park in Lamperi. My wife, who loves nature more than me, was totally awestruck by the absolute sereneness and total tranquility there. It captured her attention, so much that she almost left her purse there. 

We did not have time to enjoy all the fun there. But our brief stopover there has already inspired us to take our entire family for a grand picnic some day. I took the following pictures in my tab and it surely doesn't look that good. But I would like to inform all my readers that, those are the pictures with no editing and Photo-shopping. They are in their raw form like the nature itself. So please enjoy.. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Trip to Punakha

Although Iam not from Punakha, I have a reason larger than my life to go there. Firstly, its place from where our forefathers like Zhabdrung established our statehood. Secondly, its a place from where the legacy of our beloved monarchs emerged.. Thirdly and perhaps the most important reason, although totally personal, its a place from where my better half hails.Therefore even a slightest thought of being in Punakha used to bring me immense joy.

 Thanks to my father-in-law, we now have a small land on which we have collectively managed to build a small house. My family lovingly call it our home. And  few days ago, I was there to do some maintenance work with my wife. Rain is a menace in Punakha. So we were there to a raise a protection wall; A wall that would both benefit us and our neighbors alike. We wanted our neighbors to know your intentions. We were also hopeful that our initiatives would be received positively.

But things took a different turn. One of our neighbor threatened to take us to the court. I couldn't understand his point but I felt totally wordless. To me, Punakha stands as a holy place of lam Zhabdrung and I have a deep sense of respect for Punaps as his initial patrons.  But Their behaviour was a big contradiction. Why would anyone take us to the court for wanting to build a useful wall? It was difficult to understand.

Towards evening we were in for another surprise. Trucks came in carrying in stone, sand and cement for us and it was heavily raining. Our neighbors came in group and vehemently denied us a unloading place. I am yet to know their reason but all of them tried their best to obstruct us. We witnesses their hostility. But Finally with the help of  truckers and our contractor, we were able to unload our materials on a piece of land belonging to Government. We left our envious neighbors more disgruntled and more angry. 

That evening, we were invited for a dinner at my wife's uncle's place. Some day I would like to write another post about this uncle.  But that evening, More than the sumptuous dinner, it was his majestic apartment that left me bewildered. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Of Political Debates

Of late I have seen a lot of political debates going on everywhere. The debate hosted by BBS have become  a very popular show of the hour. Good or not its eating up most of my precious evening hours.  Sometimes I am forgoing my evening walk, which is a dangerous thing for a man who is putting on weight. Sometime I am even forgetting to water my vegetable garden, which is again not a good thing when there is a galloping inflation in the vegetable market. In this account, I think I am making a big compromise. The only consolation I have is that I am sacrificing my precious time hearing from people who are soon going to become our  representatives.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

From Customs Office Once Again

Few days a go, we had an in-house training on x-ray image reading and analysis. The training was initiated by those officials who had the opportunity of undergoing the said training in Bangkok. I was told that the training was funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with Regional Office for Capacity Building for customs (ROCB) and the Thai Customs.  I am sure WCO must have also played its role. I was also told about the immense support rendered by the head office of  DRC in this regard. Someday I would love to write a detail report on it. But for now please bear with my brief unofficial write up.

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Secret of Scoring 80+

Few days ago, I got my results for 4th semester. With that result, I can finally say that I am through with my masters course. For good. I felt elated and excited. I felt more happy at the fact that I was able to perform well beyond my expectations.  Firstly, I topped Arts category of Gujarat University for 4th

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Final Results

My 4th sem result are out and I  am happy to share with my friends that I have scored 86.17% (517/600) With this I have now sealed my Masters in Economics with an aggregate of 81.16%. (1948/2400) I am writing  this as a matter of my own record and history. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Time to Wear My Uniform

After two years, I am now preparing to wear my uniform, once again. This time I am going to wear the trousers and shirts sewed by experts in Ahmedabad. I hope I look like a law enforcer and not like a joker anymore. I also hope that my ranks on the shoulder do not create any confusion in the eyes of on lookers.

So in my preparation for the moment, I went to have a fitting hair cut. But to my amazement, entire Bondey town just had one barber. However after having waited for more than an hour, I was able to have my hair clipped in army style.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bhutan Customs in Uniform

Initially when I joined Customs department in 2006, we had a uniform which people mistook it for the uniform of Punakha High School. It  used to be a decent gho for gents and Kira for ladies. We were even issued rain coats and boots! But in course of time when Government supplied us a staff duty vehicle, a thing of boot and a coat (rain) became our beautiful past.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

From Customs Office, Paro Airport

Yesterday was a very auspicious day. After two long years in India, I am finally back to a place where I belong. I made back to my office in one good piece and it gives me immense joy and satisfaction. In the morning hours, I first went to meet my new boss. It was our first meeting and so both of us had very few words. But in between, I think our silence did the rest. Through our silence, we spoke a lot. I think we spoke  about our dream to serve our department. -To our best. before I stood up to leave his chamber, I shook his hand. I think I did thrice.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Primary Round Post

On the night before the primary round of election, I got a call rather from a very unexpected person. My friend who is a gomchen called me up and asked me which party I was planning to cast my precious vote.  According to Bhutanese electoral law, 'gomchens are above politics'. But at that hour, he seemed least the law. My enthusiastic friend seemed so energized  and eager to come at the level where politically divided voters were literally throwing pots and pans at eachother. To cool him down, I had to remind him about his status. Not only that, I also had to inform him about how apolitical civil servant I am.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Big Day Post

Its election day here in Bhutan.The Primary round. Many people call it a big day. Big day or small day, out of four political parties we have, two parties will be voted in today. And they will contest general election again in July.  Its time for people to make their big and wise decision. Its People's time.

Its media black out period here. By law we are not suppose to post any statements, especially those that are defamatory in nature. I was told that we cannot even post a statement in support or in against of a parties that are contesting the election nor against or in favor of any candidates. I think its a wise decision. In an eleventh hour, some voters can be swayed easily by a mere statements. Many people think is not good for democracy.

I am writing this short update, before my daughters wake up. Before people of the Nation heed to Polls. I write this update to wish all our political parties, all their best. Its still raining. And as suggested by our Chief election commissioner of Bhutan, I urge all the voters to take their brand new umbrellas and rain coats and "show them off" in the polling station. The road conditions may not be that good and for those who are travelling home to vote, I would like to remind all the drivers to be extra cautious.

Lastly, by the blessings of Kuncho-sum, may we have a successful election once again.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

At Home for Good

I am back from Gujarat and I am now in Bhutan for good. After having endured the burning heat, ear drum-breaking noise and nose blocking dust of Gujarat for two years, I feel like I have come back to a monastery, high up in the Himalayas. Its a total tranquility here. I see more moving cows in the street than cars. If not for rupee shortage, I am starting to think that Bhutan can still take in some more cars! 

Anyways, I reached home at a time when my country is at the height of its election process. In few days, we will be electing two parties. They call it a primary round. And in few months, we will have a new parliament. For now its a season of promise making in Bhutan. 

Come 2018, Bhutan will be a heaven. There will be no poverty. Every youth will be employed. Roads, schools and health centers every where. Empowered Women. Helicopters and tillers. Revised pay for civil servants, Revised tax structure. Longer maternity leave, more prosperity, more peace, less corruption, justice, and on goes the list. 

Here is what my cousin wrote: "at this rate, it wont be long before political parties pledge "Rain for the Bhutanese people during monsoon"...

Its eleventh hour and I haven't decided which party to vote for. At the moment DCT's "Prosperity with Unity" looks as amazing as DNT's "People's Government". While DPT's "Equity with Justice" has done a magic in 2008 election, PDP's "Decentralization" seems to be casting a spell this time around. All candidates proclaim themselves to be Nymchugs and for now, I call them all ambitious Nymchungs. 

I am a very apolitical person and I will cast my vote based on the candidate followed by party ideology.  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Professor Dr. Kartik M Bhatt

With my professor, Dr. Kartik M. Bhatt who is the Head of Economics Department in School of Social Sciences, under Gujarat University.

Thank you sir for teaching me Macro Economics, Managerial Economics, Public Economics and Mathematical Economics. Thank you for inspiring me to work hard.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Some Pictures With My Professors

With Dr. Snajay Pardeshi who taught me Public Finance, Quantitative Methods in Economics, Growth and Development, Agriculture Economics, Research Methodology, Managerial Economics and Financial Institutes and Markets

With Madam Tarang Solanki, who taught me Micro Economics, Environmental Economics, Growth and Development, Labour Econimics, Industrial Economics and Agriculture Economics

With Dr. Hina Sidhu who taught me International Economics, Environmental Economics, Micro Economics, Industrial Economics, Research Methodology, Quantitative Methods in Economics and Financial Institutes and Markets

Tomorrow (or someday before I leave Gujarat) I also intend to meet my professors who taught me Macro Economics and  Mathematical Economics.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Misson: Dumbbell Selling

While RCSC is taking their own time to confirm our air tickets, I am keeping myself engaged here. I am done with packing, but last night on NDTV webpage and later in Times of India newspaper, I read a worrying news. It says "fly light or pay more". Baggage weighing more than 15 kg from hereon will attract a levy of Rs. 250 per additional kg.

I felt disgusted. It seems airline business are running out of innovation to make more money. At the moment I have not many words that can describe how angry I am with the new business plan of airlines in India. I wish I can call on a strike. I have already set my luggage weight to 20 kg, but looks like I will have to again do some adjustment and readjustment with my packing business.
Meanwhile the heat here is getting terrible. Temperatures in the day time rises to such a height, that I feel I am getting roasted alive. Eating and sleeping the entire day, its complete waste of time here.

Coming back to my dumbbell affair, here is an update. Yesterday I met with the very retailer from whom I bought it. We finally made a deal. As expected, we were able to make a win-win deal out of it. Without having to bargain much, he offered me the price I asked for. Rs 400 per dumbbell, I felt was a fair deal altogether. I felt it was a deal far better than dumping them. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Waiting for my Air Ticket

I am almost done with my packing. I have tired my best to keep my luggage weight under control. So, after a countless sorting-out processes, I have finally decided that most of my old belongings are going home with me. Yes that's right. I cannot simply dump my gold-like old garments here. I thought it would be very ungrateful and ungracious on my part to leave them behind because  they are still strong and wearable. Some of my shirts are five years old but they still look better than the ones we get in the malls today! So, I packed them separately and I called up a courier service. After  little bit of bargaining I was finally able to send them home. 

But I am totally helpless with my dumbbells. I am neither able to take them home nor able to sell it back. I think it was by far the most stupidest acquisition I have ever made in my life. I paid Rs.700 per 5 kg and haven't used it at all. Seriously, I still do not know what urged me to make that crazy purchase. Today I did some oiling on it. It look brand new. I am planning to meet the same retailer from whom I bought it. I hope and pray that he take back his goods for a price that would leave both of us in a better off position. Even Rs 400 per dumbbell would be a welcome transaction. 

In a meantime, me and my friends are waiting for our air tickets. Already its been a week since we requested those concern officials in RCSC to arrange the same.  But it was only yesterday they acknowledged our mail. Thanks to Commissioner Bachu Phub Dorji, the officials have now promised to send our air tickets by the earliest possible date. If they don't then I might melt in this heat.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Packing and Repacking

Ever since the day I finished my exams, I had two things on my mind. -Pack up and then going home! Its just my second year here, but it has made me feel like I have been here for ages already. I feel I am going home after a decade in exile.

So, in last two days I went to meet my professors. I met most of them. I thanked them personally for all the help and support they gave me in course of two years. In fact I wrote them a letter of gratitude! I told them how fortunate I felt being taught by them. I also told each one of them how I will miss them everyday.

I haven't met my class friends yet, but I wanted to meet them too. I wanted to thank them all for being so nice to me. Initially when my room did not have fan and a running water, some of them told me that if I can survive in India, I can survive any where on this planet. So on a lighter note, before I depart, I wanted to tell them how I survived.

But on a serious note, life wasn't that bad. Thanks to the Gujarat University administration. Me and my friends were accorded the best of the best facilities in the campus. We were given the best flat for the cheapest possible rent. Compared to our seniors, we were given the additional facilities like freezer, oven, toaster, larger table and more comfortable chairs. Thank you Gujarat University. I hope you get some more scholars from Bhutan in coming years.

For now its all about packing and repacking in my room. Except my old cloths and few books, I have nothing much to pack. I wanted to make sure that my luggage do not exceed 20 kg. So I pack and repack. Again and again. But to my surprise, my old cloths have started weighing heavy like a metal. If any thing old were to be gold, surely my old cloths testified this statement in terms of their weight! And I am afraid that I might have to part with some of my gold-like cloths here.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Writing Thank you Notes

Dear Respected Professor(s),

Before I bid farewell to this beautiful University and college, I want to express my genuine gratitude for all the hard work you all have put in during the academic year 2011-2013 as my professors. You all have made my stay here a worthwhile and wonderful one. At this hour, I have not many words that can fittingly thank you all.

The way you all took lectures without a rest in between showed how difficult it was in teaching. I saw the exhausted faces and tired bodies of you all every day. Messed up with chalk powder, I have often heard your voices go dry. Not only that, I saw how your throat choked after a daylong lecture. I felt deeply sorry about burden you all were under. But you all had common strength called the determination. Determination to educate microcode students like me! I felt all the more inspired by the way you all handled the classes every day. It inspired me to attend every lecture, everyday. You all inspired me to work harder each second.

I am not an intelligent man. But groomed by you all, I feel I have progressed well academically too. I feel hard work from my side and hard work from you all complemented each other. Looking at the results I have achieved so far, (76.67% in first sem, 80.3% in second sem and 81.5% in third sem) it shows how hard works never go in vain. With blessings from you all, I expect the same result in fourth sem too. I don't know whether I have become a full-fledged butterfly or not but certainly I am going home much more progressed and refined than a caterpillar.

Personally, I am a very sensitive person. I am emotional like any other beings. At the same time I have also flaws like any other beings too. Therefore in course of our interaction, if I have hurt your sentiments and feelings, I would like to seek forgiveness from all of you. Those things were never intended. 

Once again I would like to extend warm thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the best of everything in your future endeavors. I will cherish you all in my life as my Gurus. May god bless you all with good health and abundant happiness in life.
Thank you

With Lots of Respect and Regards
(Kuenzang Thinley)
M.A Economics

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Sealed My Sem III With 81.5%

                       G u j a r a t   U n i v e r s i t y                      
                         [ NAAC Accredited B++ (83.1%) ]                        
Exam.:Sem. 3 of                Master of Arts  held in December-2012 
Seat No. :   1439    Name: THINLEY KUENZANG                                     
College: (020) USS         Centre: 01  Combination:         - 1-1600011       
                                              External        Internal       
                Subjects                   Max Min  Obt   Max Min  Obt      
----------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  
Economics-501 International Economics-II   70  25   63    30  11   26      
Economics-502 Growth & Development-II      70  25   57    30  11   29      
Economics-503 Public Economics-II          70  25   45    30  11   29      
Economics-504 Managerial Economics-II      70  25   55    30  11   28      
Economics-505EA Q.M.E.-II                  70  25   42    30  11   29      
Economics-506EA Industrial Economics-II    70  25   64    30  11   22      
                                           420  --  326   180  -- 163      
----------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  
Enrol.No.: 201101900349             Total: 489 /  600  Result:PASS        
                                    Result Date: 20-APR-2013              
Obviously I am little wordless here and I would like to share my reasons.
Couple of days ago, I was mad beyond my words. I think any ordinary human would have have felt the same. Because, our University officials have been telling lies after lies about the result declaration date.  I am, on verge of completing my final semester, but not being able to get get my third semester result was a real worrisome affair.

So, few weeks ago, I went alone to check the the status of the result in the University office. Surprisingly, one official there did not even consider my worth better than a stray dog. I don't know whether he had problem talking to me in English or not but he simply refused to talk to me. I returned home low and lost.
And the last time I went to check was the day before yesterday. That day I went along with my two friends. There too, a man in the Comptrollers office scolded us and then harshly told us that the results would be declared in 48 hours time. While  talking to us, his bull-like eyes reddened like the sindhur on his forehead. We found him in total not-in-the-mood-to-talk. He did not even let us explain our reasons! Outraged and humiliated three of us walked back to our room.
Finally they took 48 hours plus a day to declare it. I did what ever possible from my side and I think it is fairly reflected in my result as well. I feel that my hard work is duly rewarded. The papers I scored lowest are the Public Finance( 74%) and Quantitative Methods in Economics (71%).

For Public Finance paper, I  know I could have done it better but it was all Indian Public Finance mostly taught in Gujarati Medium. So that was all I could do. And in QME paper, I could have done it little better too. Sadly that day our question paper did not contain log table. All in all, I think I gave the best and got the best. I am happy about it.

I would like to thank all my professors for all their unending support and my family back home for their prayers. I feel indebted to all my guardian deities back home for showering me with good health and good luck. I would also like to thank my senior friend Sonam Phuntsho for all his notes and guidance. I have sealed my third semester with 81.5%..

Starting 24th April, I will be seating for my final semester exams. So please friends wish me good luck.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Notes From My Diary, My Closing Days in Gujarat University

I am finally done with my project work and I have already submitted it to my guide. He went through it briefly and said I have done it reasonably well. But truly speaking in academic sense, I am not at all satisfied and happy with the way my final semester has progressed. We just had a class here and there for two months and now we are preparing for our final exams. Lot of things are left untaught. In some of the papers its very difficult to even do self study. And to our despair, we haven't got our third semester results yet.

Mean while, the heat is getting incessant. The temperatures have risen so high that even the swamp near my campus has completely dried up. The ground is dusty everywhere and has become like a solid rock. In between we often do not get water supply.  Interestingly, somewhere media has reported that all the water supplies have been diverted to the new swimming pool which has been constructed for new vice chancellor.

Few days ago, we had our class presentation in mathematical Economics.Time allotted for each person was just two minutes! I feel its so stupid, because there are people who take more then two minutes to just write their names. There were few of my friends, who just came forward and read out from a piece of paper with total disregard to punctuations like full-stops and comas. And there were also others who just came forward and simply said that there are not many topics in mathematical economics that can be presented in two minutes. They rather chose to laugh than present.

As for myself, befitting the allocated time, I chose a small topic. I decided to present on mathematical derivation of an ordinary demand curve. While presenting, my professor wanted me to present his way. But I boldly told him I would rather present my way and come to his conclusion. By the time I finished my presentation, I have already taken more than twenty minutes. I think that was one of the best presentation I gave in a long  long time. he he he. With that I am finally done with the presentation part also. 

There is another thing I would like to share here. After I put up a short 'Kongfu Panda Post', Panda lady or rather the self proclaimed biggest Panda fan did her best to defend her panda fan title against me. :) I am surprised to hear that she in fact live in Panda world with Panda people in Panda house! She also mentioned me about a Panda car that she is driving and panda garden that she is soon going to have. It sounds amazing. But I have a message for her.  I will not believe until I see all those Panda things with my eyes.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kongfu Panda Post

Me and my group will be passing out this May. So yesterday our friends from Gandinagar were here to bid us farewell. I told them it wasn't necessary but they wouldn't listen. They took lot of trouble coming here in the unforgiving heat and dust of Ahmadabad.

I would like to thank them all for coming here and for making us happy. I had one of the most sumptuous lunch in a long long time. Chicken curry was the best. More than the lunch, I thank them for their sense of brotherhood towards us. Perhaps this is something that is holding Bhutanese together anywhere in the world. 

And today morning I got up and repaired our old and worn out rice cooker. While fixing it up, I told our  rice cooker to hang on for another month. -- just one more month and we will be gone--.

The other thing I had in my mind was to write something about Kongfu Panda. Its one of my all-time best movies. I  think I am the biggest fan of Panda so far. But few days ago, one ardent reader on my blog claims she is a lot bigger fan of Kongfu Panda than me. She even named herself as Panda in Facebook to show how much bigger fan she is than me. But I insisted I am the bigger fan than her. Now to settle the claim, she wanted me to write something about Panda movie.

I suppose there ain't many people who do not know about this famous movie. Even my three years old daughter knows about it. She have her own favorite character!. She likes the way Po says "I love Kongfu" on the chair rigged with firecrackers. She even knows to replicate Panda's mouth in that scene. My other daughter likes a scene when Po's adopted duck-father says " Po, get up".

As for me. I like all the scenes in the movie.  Let me be very brief. In part one of the movie, the scene I like most is where Master Oogway tells Panda these lines: "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present".

This movie, in fact taught me the greatest lesson of my life. It taught me to believe in myself. Through this movie, I became more determined to discover my inner strength. I became more aware of how senseless it is for us to worry about things which are history and mystery.  At one point of time, 'live your present to the fullest' was the message I took from it. It made me believe that its only me who have the potential  and will bring inner peace to my own self. 

I simply feel its too big a movie for my small vocabulary to describe it. So let me stop here for now.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ode to Ramji, Our Gatekeeper

Here is a story of a gate keeper
Whose name I do not remember.
Too lean to be called Ram-Singh.
So I call him Ram-ji.

He works round the clock with no rest,
But still says work is worship at best.
He doesn't seem to know how
 Exploited he is for now

Five thousand rupees a month!
And he says, is a big money on earth.
 Away from his honey,
He lives thinking other than just the money.
  Says He
To me
 He is a proud father,
One who often gloats further,
About the big money he put together.
For a wedding of his bigger daughter.

 I call him Ram Ji 
and he says Haa Ji
I say Good morning ji
and he says Thank you ji

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Doing Whatever Possible With My Two Hands

Past few weeks has been the most stressful days of my life. I was dead busy writing and rewriting, typing and retyping my final project work. I have tried with all my means and resources to come up with a good report. No matter what, I always wanted to make my guide happy with my level of progress. As a person who believe in giving the best and leaving the rest, submitting a quality report was my top priority. 

And finally, I have submitted my project. My guide showed me his sense of satisfaction. All I can say is that he looked happy for the that I was able to write more than hundred pages in just two months. I feel like an ox from whose neck the yoke is being removed. I am feeling much lighter and more relaxed now. Although I felt defeated at times, I feel in the end that it was an enterprise worth undertaken. 

I feel the warm blood filled with sense of satisfaction flow through my spinal cord. I feel like going on the roof top, shout on top of my voice and tell the the world that "I am finally done with my Project" At this time of year, walking in Gujarat is not so pleasing. Especially during the day time, soaring temperature can drain all your fluids and make you flaccid. Some people faint and some suffer form heat stroke. But thanks to almighty god, I was fortunately able to complete my project that demanded lot of walking in this unforgiving hot days of Gujarat.

Now when I look back, I feel my memories exploding. Its combination of bitter, sweet and sour. Basically its a combination of all the tastes. There were times wherein I wished I were like Chak Tong Chen Tong. Totally messed up and disorganized, I felt totally lost in between my own lines. At one point of time my Tsawai Lama told me to do whatever possible with my two hand and stop wishing about Chak Tong Chen Tong. Perhaps he was right.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Writing Acknowledgement for my Project Work

This Project work has been carried out to meet the academic requirements of Gujarat University for the completion of Master of Arts in Economics. I would like to put on record, my appreciation and gratitude to all who have rendered their support and input. Without them, it would not have been possible for me to shape this study.

I have received immense guidance from my guide Dr. Kartik M. Bhatt, Professor and Head of the Economics Department, Gujarat University. I would therefore like to convey my sincere gratitude to him.

I would also like to thank Dr. Hina A. Sidhu, Professor, Economics Department, Gujarat University, for her unending encouragement. Her classes on Research methodology gave me lot of insight into carrying out research. All the more, I would also like to thank her for having trust and confidence in me.

Dr. Sanjay R Pardeshi, Professor, Economics Department, Gujarat University, has always been there to help me. He provided the most valuable information on page setting and logical arrangement of my project. His last minute suggestions proved very useful in completing my study in time and I would like to convey my earnest thanks to him.

Besides, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Pradeep Prajapati and Ms. Tarang Solanki for all their support and guidance. I would like to thank them immensely for providing me the conceptual and theoretical clarity in various papers.

I owe my deepest gratitude to the Royal Government of Bhutan and to the Government of India for providing me all the financial support during my two years study period. I will always remain indebted to the Government of these great Nations for all the good opportunities they provided to me in shaping my academic career.

I would also like to extend my deepest thanks to Dr. Neerja Arun, Co-coordinator, Study Abroad Program and her team in the office for all the logistics and administrative arrangements. With this, I would also like to thank the other officials of Gujarat University for making my stay a pleasant one in Gujarat University campus.

I would like to mention another person who has always showed great zeal in helping me. I thank Miss. Hema R. Iyengar for all her willingness to help me. I thank her for and finding time to share her ideas, while I was busy putting up my project into its final shape.

Finally I would like to thank my parents and all my family members for bearing my absence for two long years. I wholeheartedly thank them all for sending me abundant love, encouragement and support all the way from home from their hearts. I dedicate all my success to each one of them.

to be continued..

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Random Photographs

Cotton flower in my campus


Those are actually leaves, but looks like flower

Dead fallen leaves

Sweet Daisy

Gangnam Style of Doing Research ?

The mercury level in Gujarat is rising. And it is rising fast. The days are turning out to be as hot as the Gujarati days it self. Its spring and I am suppose to see lot of flowers and birds. I am suppose to feel rejuvenated. But all I am seeing here is still a dead barren ground covered with dust. Its dry everywhere. well, this is just a short update from Gujarat 

The other news, I want to share is that, I am drowning with a thing called research writing. With less than 3 months at my disposal, I have an academic requirement to submit a thesis to my university. I am worried and I am spending sleepless nights. At this hour I have no words that would convey how grateful I am to Google. Its only through Google that I am able to collect few data here and there. I am trying my best to make my paper look academic and honest. But its proving to be very difficult. 

But interestingly, I met few of my class mates the day before. Some of them are clueless and they are in much worse condition than me. Most of them haven't typed a single page till now! But I am surprised, very very very surprised indeed to hear them say that research can be done in just two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Gangnam style of doing research could be its name I suppose.

Today I checked my Diary and I found out that the due date for its submission is not that far. I am frantic. At times I am becoming clueless. In the morning hours, I went to see my guide, but he was not available. I presumed he is gone for a puja. the Holy puja. God! the puja is costing Inida millions of hours every year! and here its costing me my valuable hours too! 

As I stood under the giant fan in the corridor, I could sense so many thoughts rush my spine. In between, a flying pigeon got hit by fan and died right in front of me. No No. It flew bleeding. Must have died somewhere. I waited little longer and then met my other professor. He came as a father of good news to me. He told me not to panic.  From the conversation I had with him, I came to know that even the professors themselves are aware about the mighty task that we are made to handle. 

On my way back, I saw some kids playing Holi. I clearly sensed their interest in me. They wanted to color me pink blue and green. With white trouser and a white shirt, it didn't seem a great idea. So to keep them at bay, I gave them a frowning look.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

International Days I Missed

My past week has been busiest week of my life. Running for classes and preparing for the exams, walking between the college and my apartment. In the heat and in the dust, I had the most terrifying days. Therefore I missed celebrating some of the the most important international days. 

First international day I missed was the International day of Happiness. I was so caught up with my exams that I barely had enough time to update my Facebook.  However in the evening, I saw many Facebook wall flooded with happiness wishes. Here is one from our Prime Minister:
"My Dear Friends,
The world today comes together for the first time to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. It is for the first time that human beings all over the world will be united in thought and reflection on this universal aspiration that sets us apart from all other forms of life on earth. We are the only kind that knows the meaning and purpose of life to be higher than survival and well-being.

Happiness is not just a desire; it is our only true need. Without it, we are empty, unfulfilled and sad. Without it, our life has no purpose. Yet, it is seldom that we pause to ask ourselves: am I doing what makes me happy? Is my pursuit of money, status and fame what I really need? Is being better off than my friend, neighbor or peer what will make me happy? Am I focused on the right things in life or am I a twig drifting in the stream of mindless acts? Am I allowing myself to be swept away on to the shores of unhappiness?

May you have a great day of reflection and be blessed with understanding! May you have a Happy Day with family and friends!
Just like our PM, I tried with all my emotion to extol happiness. I thought I would write about what happiness means to me and how each individuals can find happiness in  their own ways. Did the world really come together that day or was there a real need for such a day. These were some of the questions I asked myself that day. But for now International Happiness day is over. But rest of the days are not sad days. So lets move on. 

The second International day I missed was the international poetry day. Although I like poetry head over heels, I was never able to write a good poem so far. The last time I remember trying poetry was in the year 2000. I was in class twelve then. I recall experiencing the best of my poetic feeling those days. I may have written over hundred poems, but not a single poem read like a poem. Later when I read about Marine Moore's lesson on Poetry, I felt embarrassed to the core. Her poetry told me not to attempt poetry anymore. And hence all my poetry remained hidden at the bottom of my trunk. Then came the results of my English paper. I think I scored the lowest. My English teacher mocked at me. Well that was it. I think his words were the bullet that killed my poetry for good. That winter I lost my entire poetry book. So that was the end of my poetry note book too. 

The other International day I missed this week was the international water day. All I know about water resources is that more than 72% of our earth is water. Looks like lot of water on this planet though! But what most people miss to see is that only a marginal 1.6% is fresh water. With rising population, the pressure on that marginal amount of drinkable water is increasing every day. This scarcity might some day push people to go for a war. Its alarming but some people have already predicted it. So there is a genuine need for all of us to save water. I think our collective act will make a difference here. Hence I do not see forgetting to take bath ( which I often do) as a regrettable affair. I feel I am contributing positively in saving water!

Finally, we have world earth hour coming tomorrow. I am being told that this is an initiative to create awareness about the need to take action on climate change. So come 8:30 PM, I am going to switch off all the lights in my room. With the heat of Gujarat, I am preparing for a  sauna bath in my room tomorrow.