Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extraordinary Blogger Award for PaSsu Passang Tshering

This is my  humble award to PaSsu Passang Tshering for his article " Mr.Khaw boon wan what did you expect? His article has received an overwhelming response, both form Bhutanese, Singaporean and people from abroad. 

His article obviously came as an eye opener to many Bhutanese where happiness has been a benchmark in everything we do. We talk and dream a lot about it. Happiness is subjective concept of which the definition differs from person to person. Here in Bhutan, we believe that one day happiness is within the reach of humanity. Perhaps this looks reasonable on few conditions. World need to think little less about the materialistic progress and little more about saving the planet earth. I think we are one country who at least took the initiative of bringing happiness concept in fore of human development.

His Excellency Khaw's remarks have been received in varying reactions. Obviously many Bhutanese weren't happy. Many people felt the remarks were unjust and unfounded. If a week was enough for Khaw to draw conclusion on Bhutan, GNH, and Happiness, then the world would have been a lot more happier place already.

Following the footage of his speech, it becomes evident that Mr Khaw has exposed his weakness by speaking a lot on subject which he knows least. Bu neverthelesss I am very happy to see many Singaporeans apologizing Bhutan and Bhutanese in place of their Minister. This shows how much Singaporean in general like Bhutanese believe in sacredness of happiness.

And for now its very imperative that we do not draw a dividing line on the basis of a comments made by an individual. Rather Bhutan and Singapore should work hand in hand to make this world a better place. Singapore and Bhutan have come a long way and still have miles to go together.

God Bless Singapore and Bhutan

Read what Passa Wrote: Click Here


  1. Thank you so much Kuenzang. I am very happy that Singaporeans are happy with me... They believe in Bhutan. I wish them happiness.

  2. I hope this positive reaction from Singaporean people will help their minister understand more about the sentiments of their own people.

    Me too. I wish Singaporean Happiness.

  3. Coming across Mr Passu's blog is like stumbling on treasure indeed!

    "On Monday, Workers' Party MP Sylvia Lim (Aljunied GRC) had cited Bhutan and its Gross National Happiness indicator when she questioned if the Government was too focused on gross domestic product growth, at the expense of Singaporeans' happiness." Source:

    Mr Khaw's remarks may be seen in a political context - the opposition Member of Parliament used Bhutan as an example we should aspire to, so Khaw argued that Bhutanese aspire to be like Singapore.

    There are things that Bhutan can learn from Singapore - things that Singapore has done right and things that we have done wrong. This is but one example - income inequality in Singapore. ( Looking at the chart on the page, our income inequality is frighteningly high, which will have (and has had) many consequences.

    I guess it is because our countries have very different geographies, our history has been rather different. Singapore was abused during World War II, felt betrayed by the British and felt vulnerable being trapped between 2 relatively huge and not exactly friendly countries. Not only that Singapore had a relatively large population but a small land size, so I suppose we had no choice but to develop ourselves as fast as possible for the sake of survival! In terms of development, Bhutan has the luxury of time.

    Good luck to Bhutan, please avoid the mistakes we've made!

  4. Cool and that i have a neat proposal: Where Do You Get The Money To Renovate A House remodel outside of house


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